How to Reduce Cleaning Costs in Your Workplace
September 14, 2022 | Posted by Jani-King TeamEnsuring that your business engages in high standards of cleanliness is essential for long-term success. A tidy, hygienic workspace will elevate your brand through reducing employee sick days, providing a positive first impression to clients and strengthening the motivation and productivity of your staff. But could the price tag associated with high-quality cleaning equipment be holding you back?
Reducing cleaning costs is a common goal for facility managers, but there are several ways you can implement significant savings as a business, whilst still ensuring you are thriving in a clean, safe working environment.
5 ways to reduce cleaning costs
To help you save time and money on costly cleaning expenses, we have collated 5 of the most popular ways to reduce cleaning costs, with an insight into how effective each solution is beneath the surface.
1. Invest in cleaning equipment
The first way in which you can reduce future costs, is to invest in high quality cleaning equipment. As with most new releases, you can expect modern cleaning technology to allow for a more effective clean, whilst also reducing the amount of time needed to generate results. However, investing in equipment of this type requires a large financial outlay, which may not be financially viable for you as a business. Therefore, whilst enhancing the quality of your equipment will reduce costs down the line, initially, you will need to spend money to eventually save it.
2. Using multipurpose cleaning materials
Simplifying your product line-up by using multi purpose cleaning products is a great way to save some pennies. Rather than investing in a multitude of different products, opt for a smaller selection which are designed to be used on an array of different surfaces, for a variety of cleaning tasks.
Multipurpose cleaners are ideal for cost-cutting within the workplace and saving on storage space, however they do come with their drawbacks. Despite the title ‘multi-purpose’, it’s important to note that products of this kind cannot clean every surface, and some surfaces do continue to require specialist products. Another consideration is that these cleaners are unable to clean every type of dirt and grime – so for the very dirty surfaces, you may need to invest in a stronger line of products.
3. Train your cleaning staff
Another beneficial cost-saving practice that you can implement into your cleaning process, is to ensure that your cleaning staff are properly trained. From initial onboarding to ongoing training, ensure your employees are up to date on the correct and most effective ways to clean, to save money through being as efficient as possible. With the correct training in place, you can improve outcomes and enable a quick clean every time.
As a business, you will need to set aside time, and in some cases money, for more comprehensive training. Therefore, before making the leap, ensure your company has capacity.
4. Purchase in bulk
Is now the time to begin purchasing your cleaning supplies in bulk? Wholesalers regularly offer discounts to customers looking to buy in bulk meaning that in many cases, you can keep your inventory well-stocked, all while cutting costs. What’s more, you won’t need to go to the shop as often to buy one or two cleaning chemicals, saving valuable company time.
However, similarly to investing in brand new cleaning equipment, purchasing supplies in large quantities will result in the spending of a larger sum of money on the initial purchase. Therefore, for bulk-buying to be successful, you need to assess whether you have the finances readily available.
It’s also easy to assume that products such as bleach may never expire. However, the active ingredients present within this work are essential, break down over time, subsequently weakening the solution. Therefore, avoid buying too much bleach at a time, or you may find you need to purchase more, and spend more money for an efficient clean.
5. Reduce clutter
Whilst it may seem small, simply maintaining a tidier workspace can have a significant impact on cleaning costs over time. Decluttering your space allows for cleaning staff to undertake a more thorough clean and focus on priority areas, rather than organising and trying to manoeuvre around personal clutter. Invest in a thorough clean and avoid spending your money on day-to-day decluttering.
Reduce costs with professional cleaning contractors
It might sound counterintuitive, but did you know, your business can actually save money through the use of professional cleaning contractors? Leaving commercial cleaning to the professionals reaps extensive benefits, including:
- Reducing the need for a large financial outlay of expensive cleaning equipment.
- Increasing employee productivity and leaving your staff to do the job they are trained to do. While some employees are excellent at organising and cleaning up, they are best spent managing their own job responsibilities.
- Protecting your workplace equipment and furniture with no need to worry about using the wrong cleaning supplies and causing damage.
- Reducing costly employee sick days by ensuring the workplace is always it's most hygienic and safe.
Contact Jani-King for your commercial cleaning needs
Jani-King are on hand to support your business with all of your commercial cleaning needs. Now is the time to invest in the highest standards of specialist commercial cleaning and implement lower operating costs whilst reaping extensive benefits to business. From office and building to stadium and event cleaning, explore Jani-King’s comprehensive commercial cleaning services and find out how we can help reduce your cleaning costs.
Contact Jani-King today and find out more about how we can transform your place of work.
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