Serving up success – A practical guide for restaurant owners
The pandemic has led to a tough climate for restaurant businesses to operate in in 2020. With temporary closures and less people dining out, owners have been faced with challenges outside of their control. As we look to 2021 though, the restaurant industry is predicted to see an increased demand in dining out which naturally brings increased competition. As customers think with their feet, it will be more important than ever to deliver exceptional customer experiences and ensure guests’ expectations around food, service and hygiene are being met.
Jani-King UK worked in partnership with Menzies LLP, a chartered UK accountancy firm, to create a complete guide on the restaurant sector in the UK.
This free guide will provide you with practical tips for restaurant success in 2021. Understanding the market, adapting to changing customer wants and needs and delivering an outstanding experience will be critical. However, the basics shouldn’t be forgotten about. From delivering quality food and service to understanding your KPIs and having a clear but flexible business strategy, this guide will give you some practical tips on managing a restaurant business and navigating the uncertain times we find ourselves in.
What’s in our Restaurant Guide?
1. Setting the scene
Explore the current state of the restaurant industry in the UK.
2. Food for thought
Read our 7 ingredients for a successful restaurant, from market research to reporting and recruitment.
3. The restaurant of the future
Discover how the sector will evolve and how to stay ahead of the trend.
Who is this guide for?
This guide is perfect for restaurant owners and managers who are looking to run a successful business. It will give you great tips and insights whether you’re looking to open a new establishment, take over an existing business, or have been running your business for a while.