Is it Worth Starting a Cleaning Business in the UK: The Truth

Whether you are looking to become your own boss or tap into the growing cleaning market, the prospect of setting up a UK based cleaning business is undeniably a daunting one. However, taking the leap into this ever-growing market could be the fresh start you have been looking for, providing you with the profitability you need for long lasting success within the industry.

So, is starting up your own cleaning business worth it? Here’s everything you need to know.

Lady smiling whilst cleaning a commercial office spaceWhy Cleaning?

There are extensive opportunities out there for start-ups and entrepreneurs, so why choose cleaning services?

In 2018, market research showed the cleaning industry to be worth more than £55 billion to the UK economy, with 1.47 million workers employed in the sector. If there’s one thing to take away from these statistics, it is that this industry has the potential for extremely large amounts of money and growth!

With this in mind, there is plenty of room to grow your own cleaning business within an already established industry, minimising the risk of jumping into a venture with little demand or resource.

Is it worth it? 4 key considerations

There is a lot to consider before taking the plunge, but the results of doing so could be hugely valuable. Here is everything you need to know about starting up a cleaning business in the UK.

Start-up costs

Many people avoid setting up a business due to the start-up costs involved. In fact, one study shows that the average start-up costs of UK businesses is £5,000 to launch, with a further £22,756 throughout the first year. Fortunately, a cleaning business can be created with very few costs involved and just needs the foundations of hard work, cleaning products and patience.


A commonly asked question - Is owning a cleaning business profitable? The short answer is, yes!

Cleaning services are in high demand, meaning that in places where these services are frequently sought after, the competitive hourly rate is also higher. Furthermore, in a post pandemic world, the demand for cleaning solutions is only getting higher.

Low start-up costs, hand in hand with the high demand of cleaning services offers the potential for very high margins. However, like any start-up, for it to truly succeed, you need to have the passion and drive to build it into the best business you can.

Recession proof

With the cost-of-living crisis an ongoing cause of concern within the UK, it is inevitable to wonder whether a new business could make it through a recession. Fortunately, cleaning businesses are a minority in that they are effectively ‘recession proof’. By this, we refer to the fact that the need for good hygiene is something that doesn’t go away, both in domestic and residential environments. So, in the event that the UK does fall into a recession, your business should survive due to the fact that it isn’t reliant on a single consumer, nor is the product going to fall out of fashion or lack in demand.

Be your own boss

Possibly one of the most favourable reasons for leaving your regular 9-5, owning your own business means you are also your own boss. Therefore, you can reap the rewards of flexibility, greater control and ultimately, you have the power to create a role around the things you enjoy doing. So, whether you plan to recruit the help of some employees, or would prefer to go solo, the decision is completely up to you!

‘Is being your own boss easy, no at times it can be really tough, but ultimately rewarding. It’s also given me an opportunity to work alongside my son and it’s been great watching him grow into the role as a business owner too.” – Jason Harrison

Domestic or commercial cleaning?

Starting a cleaning business isn’t just a case of marketing your services, first you need to establish who you are targeting. Generally, cleaning companies fall into one of two categories – domestic or commercial. But, which cleaning services are most profitable?

Domestic cleaning business solutions

Domestic cleaning refers to a basic house cleaning service, but you may choose to offer additional solutions including deep cleaning for kitchens and bathrooms.

One of the benefits of having your own domestic cleaning business is that you are likely to benefit from repeat business. Whilst a high-quality clean is essential, good manners and a great personality are equally as important for retaining customers – particularly when you are going into people’s homes. So, to come out on top in the world of domestic cleaning, you will need to go above and beyond for your customers to create a long-lasting relationship.

Running a commercial cleaning business

Commercial cleaning involves the cleaning of business premises such as offices, schools and gyms. However, you may choose to specialise in more niche areas such as stadiums and hotels.

Income from commercial cleaning services can be significant. As this type of cleaning tends to take more time and may require employees to work unsociable hours while staff are away from their desks, these services tend to bring in more money than that of residential cleaning.

In addition, assuming the service provided is up to a high standard, commercial cleaning contracts are as a rule, ongoing and consistent as well as in no short supply. This means that your business can be supplied with regular, ongoing cleaning accounts that pave the way for scalable business growth.

While both commercial cleaning and house cleaning services come with extensive benefits, we believe it is more beneficial to set up a commercial cleaning business – with a larger clientele, more income and ample opportunities to specialise in a particular sector.

Start a cleaning business with the support of Jani-King

Starting your own cleaning business can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Jani-King, we have led the commercial cleaning franchise market since 1992, and we are ideally placed to offer franchisees, like yourself, the local insight and global business back up you need when setting up a commercial cleaning business.

Ranked the No.1 cleaning franchise, we provide ongoing support, mentoring and personal business coaching to make sure you have all the resources, advice and know-how to make your Jani-King franchise a success.

Get in touch today and kickstart your cleaning business with the support of the UK’s leading commercial cleaning service. Alternatively, take a look at our case studies and how we have helped other people like you!

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